Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Career Guidance for Form 5 & 6 School Leavers

Sri Subramaniya Swami Temple & EWRF Kajang jointly organised a Career Guidance, Higher Education & Skills Training Workshop at 3pm on 21 March 2009 at Ponnambalam Hall, Sri Subramaniya Temple, Jalan Reko, Kajang.

About 70 students came, many of them with their parents, for the career workshop. Quite a large number as compared to last year when only about 15 students turned up. Appears to be an increased awareness of the importance of getting proper information and guidance on higher education and career opportunities. Credit must be given to the members of the temple committee and teachers who went out of their way to promote the workshop. Thanks also to Ms Selvamalar of EWRF HQ who highlighted the program in the weekly career guidance program on Minnal FM radio.

The program started with the career worskhop conducted by the Alen and Saravanan, the team from EWRF HQ. Later we had Mr. David, a teacher from Semenyih, who shared with the students the various options available for higher education for form 5 & 6 school leavers. Followed by Mr. Krishna, President of Persatuan Ugama Hindu, UKM, who shared his knowledge on scholarships and loan information.

Mr. Prakash, staff from EWRF HQ, who is blind and also currently doing his PhD program at University Malaya, shared his efforts and determination in pursuing higher education despite being visually handicapped.

After the students completed their career test, they were seen attentively going thru the various career and line of study on display. Later Alen did a round-up and exlained how the test helps them to select career choice base on their aptitude and character. This helps students to select suitable a field study in their higher education process.

We hope the the form 5 & 6 school leavers and also some of the secondary students who participated gained and benefitted from this event. They were encouraged to call our career guidance toll-free number 1-800-88-3973 and also to visit our website,, for more info on sholarships and loan

We would like to thank the Youth committe headed by Dr Siva and his wife, Deva and other temple volunteers who haved helped to organise and took care of the venue, drinks and snacks for the students and parents. Thanks also to the facilitators from Masterskill, EWRF Kajang and UKM who helped to smooth running of the event.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Career Guidance program at SMK Bandar Rinching

On Friday, 12 March 2010, a career guidance program (C3G) program was held in SMK Rinching for about 120 students from Form 3, 4 & 5 students. Thanks to the team from EWRF HQ and volunteers from EWRF Kajang and Masterskill who helped to conduct the program succesfully. The teachers were very helpful. Thanks to Mr. Pachabalan, who facilitated the program.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

EWRF Kajang and RENEW Camps

EWRF Kajang is cueerently actively promoting the setting up of RENEW projects in:

1. Bukit Beruntung

2. Melaka

3. Tanjong Malim

The RENEW Project- A project to mentor and guide low performing Indian students in Remove, Form 1 and Form 2.
They participate in a year long activity focusing on - Games ( Football) and Literacy.
They are guided towards taking up skills based courses after Form 5.

The first Introductory camps are :

1. Bukit Beruntung- 12th , 13th and 14th of March, 2010
2. Tanjong Malim - 20th, 21st March, 2010
3. Melaka - April- 9th, 10th and 11th, 2010.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

EWRF Malaysia's 26th Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) held in Kajang

EWRF Kajang was proud to host the 26th Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) of EWRF Malaysia at the Prescott Metro Inn, Kajang on 20th June 2009. 

This annual event is usually hosted by EWRF Malaysia in  KL or PJ. For the first time, Kajang was selected as the venue and EWRF Kajang was assigned to organise and host the event. 

Branch chairman. Ir Raj was intrumental in getting the the central committee to agree to hold the ADC in Kajang in what is expected to be a break from tradition and to set a new trend of holding the branches to hold it in their locality in the future.

More photos and write-ups to come after this. Stay tuned.......

EWRF Youth Football Camp 2009

EWRF Kajang organized a youth football camp for secondary school students from Kajang and Ampang from 29 - 30 May 2009. The 3-days 2-nights camp offered a rare opportunity for the selected students to undergo football coaching, training and a mini-tournament.

Nothing excites teenage boys more than football! What was originally planned for about 60 students, later increased to more than 100 students who are eager to immerse themselves football.

Finally, about 107 students were selected to participate and stay at SJK(T) Ladang West Country Timur, Jalan Reko, Kajang. The students were provided with jerseys, boots and t-shirts for the training, coaching sessions and finally the mini-tournament.

On the first day, Friday evening, Easan Pasupathi, organizer of the camp, held briefing session for the students, outlining the rules and discipline required of the students not only while playing football but also in school and life in general. Later a private skills training institute presented career opportunities in areas such as welding, metalworks and wiring. This was followed by a crime prevention talk by Sarjan Renga from Sg. Tangkas police station.

Later that evening, Joshua Edgar, EWRF Malaysia's central committee member in charge of sports, presented a talk on opportunities in the field of sports and athletics in Malaysia.

The coaching and training sessions started early Saturday morning by our dedicated coaches, Siva and Raja, both of whom are quite well known in the local football scene, thus were familiar faces to our eager youngsters.

The tournament started in the afternoon after lunch and some rest for the young footballers. All participants were transported by bus to the SJK(T) Bangi Lama football field in Bangi Lama. Two teams from Kajang and two teams from Ampang participated. By about 7pm, the tournament ended with the better trained and mature team from SMK Ampang emerging as the winner.

That night after dinner at 9pm, Mr. Ganesan, a former national and Negri Sembilan state football player in 1980's, shared his experience with the students. He narrated how his life was transformed by football, while growing up in an estate in Bahau, Negri Sembilan, into the limelight as a national level player. He spoke at length about his dreams of flying in an airplane and the struggles he underwent to achieve his ambition to be a great footballer. He connected very well with students and later had an excellent Q&A session with them.

Later, a video footage of the football games played out earlier in the day were shown on the projector for the students to watch how they fared in the tournament. The two coaches provided valuable feedback to the students on mistakes and how it could have been better.

On 31 May, Sunday morning, Mr. Guna of Tamil Iyakam conducted a motivation session for the students which emphasized positive behaviors and right values. He also stressed on the self awareness as means to foster better discipline and attitudes to succeed in life.

Ir Raj, chairman of EWRF Kajang, followed with a closing session and the camp came to an end by afternoon. We hope the students not only learned about football but also about being better people and fit in better into Malaysian society at large.

This camp is part of the EWRF's RENEW program. The RENEW program now in its 5th year, is focused on working with 'at risk' lower secondary school students. Motivation sessions, English literacy classes, tuition, football training, study tours and other such activities are conducted to engage and keep the students away from undesirable activities in the crucial part of their growing up years. 

Emphasis on education and positive attitudes are constantly drummed up to these students as parts of efforts to help them to succeed in their later years.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The website will be used to update and highlight the various activites conducted by EWRF Kajang from time to time. Any suggestions to improve are welcome.