Wednesday, July 8, 2009

EWRF Malaysia's 26th Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) held in Kajang

EWRF Kajang was proud to host the 26th Annual Delegates Conference (ADC) of EWRF Malaysia at the Prescott Metro Inn, Kajang on 20th June 2009. 

This annual event is usually hosted by EWRF Malaysia in  KL or PJ. For the first time, Kajang was selected as the venue and EWRF Kajang was assigned to organise and host the event. 

Branch chairman. Ir Raj was intrumental in getting the the central committee to agree to hold the ADC in Kajang in what is expected to be a break from tradition and to set a new trend of holding the branches to hold it in their locality in the future.

More photos and write-ups to come after this. Stay tuned.......

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